We are pleased to announce the tenth TOI workshop. This international symposium is organized every year by the Markets, Organizations and Regulation Group (MORe) at the Institute for Complex Engineering Systems in Chile. The meeting is oriented to Industrial Organization, Market Design, Organization Economics and related topics, gathering well renowned experts in such fields.
The TOI was first born as an Industrial Organization and Antitrust conference, yet its focus has widen to include other interests from researchers at the MORe group. Year after year, through a cozy and stimulating environment, the TOI has gathered Chilean and international researchers, students and economists coming from the public, private and regulatory sectors. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage academic and professional discussion about the state of the art in IO, Organization Economics, Market Design, and its policy and regulatory implications.
The structure of the workshop will be comprised of sessions headed by ten prominent international invited speakers and three talks of members of the ISCI's MORe research group. The audience will be comprised mainly of economists from academic and regulatory-related institutions, as well as postgraduate students.
TOI 10